Every Order Helps Our Wildlife!
We have a number of important projects which we fund from our profits from our wildlife collections. Each project aims to help our Native British Wildlife and we couldn't carry this out without your help!
Seeds For Bees!
Bees & Other Pollinators
For every product sold in our BEES, BUTTERFLIES & OTHER POLLINATORS COLLECTION we will send a packet of bee friendly wildflower seeds to you to plant at home, and help our pollinating populations thrive!!
Up to 184m² of wildflowers planted so far
Every Order Helps Our British Wildlife!
Hedgehog Heroes!
Every Order Helps Our British Wildlife!
Hedgehog Rehabilitation & Linking Habitats
We will donate part of our profits from every product sold in our HEDGEHOG COLLECTION to hedgehog rescues who help to care for, rehabilitate, and release ill or injured British wild animals.
So far donated: £31.00
We also want to donate our hedgehog highway signs to allow hedgehogs to pass safely between gardens!